Tal como já tinha sido referido pelo nosso seguidor habitual, Dervich, será que está noticia é verdade ?
Estará mesmo confirmada a realização de um torneio de elite do circuito mundial Grand Prix em Lisboa, com inicio em Abril 2013 ?
Tal como Dervich referiu, estranhamente a notícia não surge no site da FPX ou em nenhum outro oficial português. Só mesmo no Vosso site habitual - ESTE ! :)
Alguém tem mais alguma novidade sobre isto que queira partilhar ?!
A noticia vem da FIDE mesmo. E na sua versão original, diz exatamente:
FIDE Grand Prix series 2012/13 – names and dates 17.07.2012 – It starts with London in Sept. 2012, and continues in Tashkent in November, Lisbon in April 2013, Madrid in May, Berlin in July and Paris in Sept. Clearly the absence of Carlsen, Aronian, Kramnik and Anand is a bitter disappointment to the organisers, but the four have schedule problems and are in the next World Championship cycle anyway. Announcement by FIDE. Announcement on FIDE Grand Prix Series 2012/13 Following a technical clarification, FIDE and AGON issue the revised players allocation. FIDE and AGON announces full list of players and allocation for FIDE Grand Prix Series 2012/13. The list of players who will participate in the cycle over the next two years is as follows: 1. From World Championship Match 2012 2. From World Cup 2011 3. By Average Rating (July 2011 + January 2012) 4. FIDE President Nominee 5. AGON Nominees The allocation of dates and cities is as follows:
Kindly note that the date for the first leg in London has moved by one day and arrival will be on the 20th September with the 1st round on the 21st September 2012. Similarly, the Lisbon event has been rescheduled by one week starting with arrival on the 17th July 2013 and 1st round on the 18th July 2013. This is due to a move in the start date of the Candidates in London which will now start on the 20th of March 2013 due to the availability of the playing venue.
Source: FIDE
2 comentários:
Essa possibilidade já havia sido ventilada na campanha do Dominic Cross. Ver em http://cpbombarral.comuv.com/artigos/perguntas.html
A FPX com a sua nova política de comunicação será o organismo mais indicado para nos informar a todos nós xadrezistas, desconfio é que nem mesmo eles sabem!
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